"Our health is only as good as what we make it"

"Expoloring Evidence Based Nutrition"

Pernillas Links

Here you will find links to documentaries and books that I have found interesting


Forks Over Knives -
Amazon , FOK Streaming (Free)
Foods that cure disease - Amazon 4 Hr,
The Game Changers - Amazon, Youtube
That Sugar Film - Amazon, Youtube
Supersize me - Amazon, Youtube w/(Swedish Subtitles)

Plant Pure Nation - Youtube Free


Organic farming and foods

Organic Foods,Organic Farming
The Biggest Little Farm - Amazon, Youtube


How Not To Die - Amazon



Agriculture and Farming

Supersize me 2 (Holy Chicken) - Amazon, Youtube
Whats with wheat - Amazon, Youtube
Food Inc - Amazon , Youtube

Earth and Climate

The Destruction of the Rain Forrest Explained Youtube (free)



The information contained in our website is for educational and informational purposes only. Please consult your doctor or a qualified healthcare professional prior to introducing dietary or exercise changes. By using this site, you agree to our full disclaimer.